Male Nudes... Men in bondage ... Personalized portraits ... Muscular torsos and bubble butts ... Industrial and fetish males ... Couples and groups locked in hot sexual encounters ... Leathermen doing anything and everything ... Ira Smith's renderings of these and other subjects can be seen in over 30 publications in America and Europe. You will find his work hanging in bars and galleries which cater to the need of those with specific taste in erotica. Numerous works reside in permanent collections including the Tom of Finland Foundation in Los Angeles, the Leslie Lohman Gay Art Foundation in New York and the Chicago Leather Archives. Whether seen in New York, San Francisco and all points inbetween plus Germany and Italy - Ira Smith's trademark style is immediately recognized. He contributes his works for fund-raisers benefiting the needs of the community nationwide.
Recently, Ira's work has been translated into computer clipart, note cards, oil paintings and T-shirts.
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